بنت المسيح
Cobeid State and one against the Copts Almarenab!! In Aswan in Egypt R210
بنت المسيح
Cobeid State and one against the Copts Almarenab!! In Aswan in Egypt R210
بنت المسيح
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منتدى مسيحى للترانيم والافلام المسيحية و سماع الكتاب المقدس وتحميل اجدد الترانيم
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخولCobeid State and one against the Copts Almarenab!! In Aswan in Egypt I_icon10


 Cobeid State and one against the Copts Almarenab!! In Aswan in Egypt

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
jesus is my love

jesus is my love

البلد: : لا يو جد مكان

عدد المساهمات : 1470

العمر : 38

شفيعى : العدرا ام النور

Cobeid State and one against the Copts Almarenab!! In Aswan in Egypt Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Cobeid State and one against the Copts Almarenab!! In Aswan in Egypt   Cobeid State and one against the Copts Almarenab!! In Aswan in Egypt Icon_minitimeالإثنين أكتوبر 03, 2011 1:14 am

Cobeid State and one against the Copts Almarenab!! In Aswan in Egypt

الدولة والشعب إيد واحدة ضد أقباط المريناب !!

Cobeid State and one against the Copts Almarenab!! In Aswan in Egypt 234

بقلم: جرجس وهيب

number of cases of infringement of agricultural land alone, more than
180 thousand cases during the last period are, in addition to the
thousands of cases of infringement on the River Nile, canals and drains,
roads and construction without permits, construction on the territory
of the State Property.
are also millions of traffic violations committed by all day at all
levels to increase the number of passengers, passenger tariffs and
lifting more than doubled, and walk in the opposite direction.
the poor condition of a loaf of bread and underweight thousands of
bakeries, and the owners of filling stations selling petrol on the black
market, and raise the LPG cylinder price to more than double.

the proliferation of thousands of street vendors the highest possible
and the road, which impedes the traffic of citizens greatly.
Tuk tuk and penetration of many cities prohibited the traffic, the center of the nose of all officials,
And the failure and weakness of local men to stop these abuses.
of these violations have not focused their attention any of the leaders
in Egypt, Bastiina some attempts to save face, we did not see any of
the citizens of the Arab Republic of Egypt to all over the country, try
to prevent such abuses, but that everyone protect the infringer in all
those cases, if you try one of the devices to correct any error that occurred.
the case of the Church of St. George Balmarenab Center Edfu, Aswan,
alliance and cooperation of everyone from the local bodies which
hastened the discovery of this terrible transgression, advertising it,
and claim Ptivh immediately.
the imam of the mosque, the brave not satisfied at all that there is
any error in his village in spite of the absence of any violation, and
encouraged the public and the mob to remove this violation terrible that
nearly caused the collapse of the Egyptian economy and harmed Egypt's
reputation internationally, and led to the collapse of the Egyptian
stock exchange.
also did not satisfy the people of the village of Muslim brothers the
existence of this violation in their village model which does not have
any of the problems of encroachment on agricultural land, and the
problems of bread and transportation and lack of irrigation water and
fertilizer was necessary for the people of the village to come and the
last man, after hearing a sermon-Sheikh urging them to remove the violation that caused the lack of sleep people of the village of gravity.

the conditions of the Copts became from bad to worse we used to believe
that such problems were made by a former State Security will be gone
the demise of this device, if our awakening each period of the nightmare
of the security of its predecessor, and will be repeated such incident,
as long as the law became absent, the solution to these problems sectarianism in several resolutions.
first of these decisions strike hard on those who are infringing on
Christian places of worship which are in the range of fire everyone, and
arrest the perpetrators of the incident immediately Atfih church and
turn them into a military trial, as well as for accident Imbaba Church
and finally crash the Church of Aswan.
immediately and the issuance of the common houses of worship, which
came after the minister vowed drawers "Essam Sharaf," the Prime Minister
by issuing, to be law-Faisal, in such matters.
excused even over despite denials by the leaders of the church to the
presence of bypass and access to official approvals, and they converted,
adding to the church according to claim conservative, why resort Copts
because the law did not give them their rights, persecuted unjustly
severe and reap them, and prevent the existence of a church worship them
like their fellow Muslims, who gunned the transfer of all the mosques for their homes they did with the blessing of all.
And then turns them into victims and officials of the infringer to them to the perpetrators! Copts are burning their churches, shops and homes, and then bring charges that they are responsible for it .. The
top of the tragedy and sadness that happen and happen again without
there being a strong position from the government or the military, and
will be repeated such attacks mob as long as Oaleghanon absent in
everything it does on the Copts only from everyone, both the State and
the people who became one hand, but that the governor authorized the
people in the implementation of the law when he said there was a violation has been removed.
intensify our efforts Copts in the coming period, and we depend on
ourselves in order to pass a unified law for building places of worship,
and to prosecute offenders to the church legally, so that the state is
not absent so by organizing and stops peaceful in all the provinces, and
we join our fellow Muslims sympathize with us in these demands fair.
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Cobeid State and one against the Copts Almarenab!! In Aswan in Egypt
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