بنت المسيح
 more than 100 the saying of Pope Shenouda R210
بنت المسيح
 more than 100 the saying of Pope Shenouda R210
بنت المسيح
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الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول more than 100 the saying of Pope Shenouda I_icon10


  more than 100 the saying of Pope Shenouda

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
jesus is my love

jesus is my love

البلد: : لا يو جد مكان

عدد المساهمات : 1470

العمر : 38

شفيعى : العدرا ام النور

 more than 100 the saying of Pope Shenouda Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: more than 100 the saying of Pope Shenouda    more than 100 the saying of Pope Shenouda Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء يوليو 20, 2010 5:40 am

 more than 100 the saying of Pope Shenouda 182775

In the name of the Trinity


The words of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III


1 - not the success of service in the large number of
employers, but in the service who have changed their lives and made
them to God.
2 - People do
not save it just preach, Valazat has moved has moved conscience and
possibly it may not move towards the good will we need before spilling
into the hearts of God in prayer to work in the sinners, and attracted
to his own way.
3 - Judge
conscience loves good but not infallible.
4 - If the heart is not fully in the love of God will
be precarious.
5 - not
written but is ambitious energy sacred rights by moving to the perfect
image of God.
6 - interested
in the spirit and growth of internal and hidden virtues, not the
7 - Do you
like yourself? Well
do with the love of her people back as it was the image of God and
watch out for the love that you love yourself wrong.
8 - your life energy and talents God handed to you so
you will need to develop the personality in general to become a
powerful figure together, whether in mind or conscience or the will or
knowledge, wisdom or rule of conduct or things or psychological
9 - We do not
destroy energy but also improve Algillip directed, because the energy
can be produced Algillip enthusiasm and jealousy sacred and glorious
though it crashed, the human beings is idle.
10 - she says "I want to give my heart to God," tell
you "Give your mind, too," as your heart your mind and as your mind is
your heart, so well said of the book "love the Lord your God with all
your heart and with all your mind" (Matthew 37:22) .
11 - There is a mind guided by the principle believes
in, he lives in this principle, whether sound or wrong should not budge
him, but it remains locked and this principle is a basic structure for
his life.
12 - should
not take the force method Hamshonya or globally, does not mean the
victory on the strength of others but to win others.
13 - the proper rights to strike a balance in the
distribution of his time, given time to work and time for rest, time to
the needs of the body and time for the media spirits, and time for
family responsibilities and time demands of service, time to work,
knowledge and time to worship ... So on.
14 -
the proper rights values of balance in all his feelings and emotions
and actions, a balance between reason and emotion and a balance between
self and other.
15 - Fear may
be a shortage has become a mental illness, but if you ripped him to
become the fear of God is pure to the pure, and so turn fear into the
virtue of piety from falling into sin.
16 - if one of your children wants to be strong, not a
crash but this desire me sound guidance that is strong in Rouhyate, in
its will to triumph over sin, in his service in the strength of
persuading others and in his love and his.
17 - Do not despair, no matter how strong the devil
wars, "Say to yourself all of these just wars and I will prove in God.
18 - love of self is not linear, but it is important
to turn your love for yourself spiritually trend, like yourself to
purity and holiness and love yourself to be a holy temple of the Holy
Spirit and be blameless before God.
19 - is a good conscience, enlightened guidance of
the Holy Spirit, it does not guide the man on his own and does not work
as soon as human knowledge, but the Spirit of God guide him and is also
under the guidance of the Word of God and the good teaching of God.
20 - voice of conscience is just directed towards the
good will and away by evil, but it does not have to force it.
21 - A sound mind powers in check and verify all
hear, examined and analyzed by him and accept what they believe and
refuses to rest in his mind is like a parrot in his ears.
22 - Server spiritual is the Angel or church embodied
in motion.
23 - a
concession from God to get us involved in working with him and attention
to his children.
24 - I am
surprised at those who pray sometimes they sit, where they have
exploited the Spirit? Where humble body?
25 -
Human Bar coveted death such as the coveted life.
26 - St. Peter's speech was the day of Pentecost
withstand the force, carrying the spirit and also carries the ability of
listeners to implementation.
27 -
everyone needs to sanctify the will and to strengthen the will and this
energy is beneficial to him in his spiritual life.
28 - energies of mind is not against religion in
something God is the one who created the mind and give him his powers.
29 - Respect the view of whatever you're talking to
30 - Resistance is the
rejection of sin in all its forms and refusing to compromise on
31 - can not
be of a spiritual influence in a person only if there was love between
you and him.
32 - the
service is to be a teacher before the lesson, life is passed from one
person to another or to others.
33 - Server modest interested in the study of
preparation does not review his information and respect the mentality of
listeners, no matter how Sgerwa.
34 - Consecration is the growth in love until the
whole heart to God in Mnajath or service.
35 - that were not in the right hand of God if you
can not serve.
36 - Spirit
may begin to sin and the body involved with it, and vice versa, the soul
preoccupied with the emotions of righteousness and love of God with
them in the flesh attracts Rouhyatea.
37 - When employers love as he loves God and when God
loves us and died, then we get to the ideal of service.
38 - How to give up your image of God to become a
fallen world as a picture awry.
39 - Perhaps someone asks Boehma start humility
humble body or spirit? Start Boehma, the Spirit began humbly Sikhca body with her and
began humbly body Sikhca spirit with him.
40 - regardless of whether the sin against the people
or against yourself is a feud with God, separation from him.
41 - perhaps we see in the eternal servants of what
we hear about them, and perhaps some apparent servants now do not see
them in eternity.
42 - to be
prepared all the spiritual is filled with the server from the spirit of
God to take what it gives.
43 -
rather than injure people tried to cultivate.
44 - which he loves himself is the one who is pleased
by the narrow road for the Lord, and he carries the cross every day.
45 - who cares about her development of knowledge
into a human, cultured, and away from the ignorance of the warrior of
the same and can be a useful member of society to the next personal
46 - The
children of God must be strong, steadfast in their principles do not
Itzaazon Thecmat before the bad guys.
47 - in order to retain humility kept constantly
Btelmztk If you feel you became I became a teacher and became above the
level of apprenticeship I know very well you have started to fall into
48 - If a person gets angry
for the goal should be a spiritual element being spiritual, because the
divine purpose and proportionality of means sacred, and no insult is
arrogant does not exceed its limits.
49 - Grace may intervene only of lacking of the Holy
Spirit of God or interfere with prayer requests on the aid of God,
prayer may be the same person may be loved ones around him or the lives
of the angels and saints who have moved.
50 - proper rights distributed emotions together in a
way: for example, strike a balance between fun and melancholy in his
life, and the seriousness and simplicity, between work and leisure and
put the words in front of the book "for everything under the heaven" (ja
3: 1-8).
51 - Fasting
before eating and physical purity feels the dignity of key intrinsic
reverence to your soul and with it of attention to prepare.
52 - Energy Algillip can be converted to good as St.
John Cassian wrote in explaining the verse "displeased and do not sin"
You can get angry and do not sin if Gilltm on your sins.
53 - that Christ did not come to be a stomach full of
people but to have pure hearts and lives very much in God, He knows the
people's need for good, handouts, but does not make him a target for
54 - strong self does not
worry and do not be troubled and do not fear the weak do not hesitate to
imagine it fears and upset because of it.
55 - have forgotten that God allows in our lives in
order to forget that rights abuses leveled against him so as not to
enter the hatred to his heart.
56 - "every idle word spoken by the people will give account
thereof in the Day of Judgement" (Matthew 36:12) This should Ibato
rights long before we speak.
57 -
Man power is not one who conquers others is strong, but he who conquers
58 - true
repentance is repentance of the heart, which continue.
59 - indicates the fulfillment of the heart and
nobility of character, in Nkhup masculinity in the act.
60 - Human modest does not say a word to belittle and
no one act on one or scratching feeling hurts or degrades the dignity
61 - Yes, required of every
person to develop their capacities and energies and also grown talent
that God gives him.
62 -
the server is not successful, the spiritual, which works, but God works
in which this world, God chose the weak to confound the wise.
63 - Relax the body is not linear but rather a divine
commandment but a mistake that someone built on fatigue comfort of
64 - spiritually ambitious
does not mean superiority over others, are consistent objective is not
to overcome others to work but have mastered the perfect polished work,
wishing the same thing your competitors Ambition do not miss your love
to others.
65 -
conscience, such as traffic signals on the road has red lights in order
to stop the driver but does not force him to stand.
66 - Jesus on the cross is more beautiful and majesty
of their respective holders crowns Flangny him and say, "The Lord is
king wearing the Lord of majesty."
67 - true freedom is to be free of human errors.
68 - You guide me and guide them, teach and learning,
sponsored and Yaboah, and with them leads me to green pastures and
springs of living waters.
69 -
We all love freedom, but we train ourselves to walk in the freedom of
the will is valid and sound conscience in the life of a spiritual link
to God and only turned to the color of freedom of idleness.
70 - If the human mind focuses renewed consideration
of the eternal rather than look at the present world do not bother him
narrow but rejoices with the view of the many blessings.
71 - ambition leads to spiritual growth and ambition,
also includes all life in every action extends to a man's hand in his
study and in the job and in all its responsibilities "in the Western
Isles of everything to be successful and true to yourself as
successful," (3 Jn 2).
72 -
Grace, if not up-to-human has come to him of having links to prayer or
the prayers of the saints of the Church, you are not alone in Jhadk but
there are many saints are praying for you, whether living or saints who
have departed from the mortal world.
76 - Are you speaking "Zaazaatny tribulations" I tell
you "if your heart was strong unwavering," because the heart has the
Fed did not accommodate them, and heart wide Itadhaq it does not do
77 - the heart
and intellect are working together both cause and consequence of the
feelings of the heart causing ideas in the mind and thoughts cause
feelings in the heart.
78 -
Man is just the mind free to say about the right is a right if coming
out of the enemy and say about the falsehood that it is invalid if it
was issued from his father or his brother.
79 - All Golgotha and the Cross is always followed by
the joys of Resurrection.
80 -
Service is not just knowing With pure knowledge outside scientists, not
81 - I say to
all those in a narrow chanted the following three words: the whole of
the best - doomed to end - God exists.
82 - Fasting and spiritual exercises which exhibits
Vtqoy human personality and strengthen his control.
83 - many of the ministers speak on many subjects
other than God, do not see God in their speeches not enter God in your
heart, do not walk in your love, nor in your mind, nor in your life.
84 - not your business to take off the weeds, but it
grows Khntp.
85 - the
server is a spiritual man of prayer is constantly burning flame of fire
is the odor of Christ smart.
86 -
I want each server to ask the same three things: a spiritual service,
spiritual life, spiritual children.
87 - There is a difference between enemies and the
enemies, the enemies Nkhalgahm for ourselves our own mistakes or
ill-treatment and the enemies of a different kind of Iedonna because of
envy and jealousy, or because of their fight against the faith.
88 - While scientists are looking at theology in
these tricky things have infiltrated many of the ordinary people coming
into the kingdom of God.
89 -
which he loves himself is the one who walks in the narrow road for the
Lord, and he carries the cross every day.
90 - if you can not afford for people's troubles, at
least not be a reason for their fees.
91 - If you are a servant must be characterized by
92 - Prayer is
to God to deliver life hatched by himself, "Thy will be done."
93 - Rights of power in a confident idea of the
strength and logic of his defense speaks quietly out of confidence, but
if the weak logic and opinion may arise Ialo his nerves and his voice.
94 - Take a point of vulnerability in which you and
make them the subject of your prayers, Jhadk during this fast.
95 - God's solution in the womb of the Virgin order
to take their body wants to solve in order to Ohachaik fill you with
96 - The new year did not
write a blank page where anything yet, see what you write on this page
from the pages of our history? Why Sensgelh on ourselves? Why come down upon him when
he says God to all of us, "I know your business"? Is Snrdih next year and do
His will, we are better off than before?
97 - Do not be afraid to spread false or triumph,
that the falsehood must be defeated before the steadfastness of the
right no matter how long its time, and all David had Goliath waiting and
win it "in the name of the Lord of hosts."
98 - who says he has repented and then return to sin
and then repent and then return, this has not repented yet .. This is not repentance but
rather attempts to repent, but the true penitent is a man has changed
his life has been left to the non-linear irreversible conversion such as
Augustine and Moses the Black.
99 - What's the easiest to change your goal in the
way that were not awake.
100 -
Those who are used to ensure slept with God if their hearts are also
with him.
101 - in the
case of linear separated from God, the heart has become his love for the
whole world will be separated from God fully.
102 - strange that God wants us and we do not want,
that wondrous Nnchg sincere Habib speaks to us not answer, there is no
reason to respond

Leave you in
the care of my Lord Jesus

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more than 100 the saying of Pope Shenouda
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» Words for the concept of salvation in the Orthodox Pope Shenouda III

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